WordPress Plugins: Los mejores 14 Plugins del 2014

WordPress Plugins: Los mejores 14 Plugins del 2014

Cualquiera CMS que estés utilizando, los plugins pueden bloquearte la página. Es por eso que hemos decidido compartir con ustedes nuestros plugins favoritos para WordPress por lo que no se tendrá que bloquear su página WP! Echale un vistazo a estos 14 plugins de WordPress.

Hemos dividido esta guía de PLugins de WordPress en tres partes:

  1. Velocidad y Optimización
  2. SEO, Migraciones, y respaldo al cliente
  3. Plantillas y Backend


Velocidad y Optimización

1. W3 Total Cache

This plugin makes it possible for us to compress the website’s contents so that it is served faster to the clients. It can even store the MySQL calls so that it doesn’t make as many database queries making your site faster. One thing to watch out for though is that you’ll have to clear out the cache when you make changes.

W3 Total Cache

2. EWWW Image Optimizer

Besides resizing your images to a smaller resolution, there are ways that you can make your images smaller. Images are the largest things besides video that is loaded from your website. So, its important that those images stay slim. EWWW makes sure that it uses different compression methods to make the images as small as possible without losing image quality. If you don’t install it from the beginning, make sure to run the bulk optimizer!

EWWW Image Optimizer


SEO, Migrations and Customer Support

3. YOAST’s WordPress SEO

This is a plugin that’s worth choosing the CMS for. That is, if your goal is to rank SEO wise, this plugin makes it a lot easier. It can help you easily change the meta data, and it can even help you count keywords Another feature that’s very important in YOAST is the sitemap generation tool. Not only is this tool complete, but it is also user friendly unlike most other sitemap tools. You can submit this load your sitemap to Google Webmasters and it will rank you better too! If you’re looking for overall SEO strategy, you can also checkout this post.

Yoast WordPress SEO

4. Permalink Finder

Whether you’re moving your site from WordPress to WordPress or from another CMS, sometimes, we miss things. This plugin automatically figures out the nearest URL string from whatever comes your way and redirects it to the closest match on the site. It is very helpful especially if the client doesn’t know many of the URLs associated with their site or have stopped keeping track.

5. 404 Redirected

This works (surprisingly) in conjunction with Permalink Finder (for us anyway). This catches the 404 (Not found on server) for the domain so that you can redirect the old URL to a new home (301). This plugin is crucial for making sure URLs are landing in the right place.

6. BackWPup

This plugin let’s you backup WordPress in many different ways. It even lets you set a very specific schedule. This helps when the site is hacked or if clients install a plugin without checking with us first. It happens. We all make mistakes, but thankfully in the world of computers, there is Ctrl + Z.

BackWPup WordPress Backup


Templating and Backend Helpers

7. ACF: Advanced Custom Fields

This wonderful plugin from Down Under makes it possible for our clients to have input fields within their content anywhere they like. If it wasn’t for this plugin, we wouldn’t be able to organize our custom fields are beautifully and in a consistent fashion.

Advanced Custom Fields

8. ACF Repeater: repeater fields for your custom fields

When someone wants to have a custom slider or be able to update just a few items in a repeating fashion, its a lot easier to do this than to create a custom post type or to use another method. The ACF repeater helps us make sure that client data inputs are consistent; consistent is good for readability.

9. WP-Page Navi

Pagination isn’t exactly fun on WordPress, so these guys have done all the hard work to make pagination easy as possible. We really like how simple it is and also the fact that we can use it with Custom Post Types too.


Without SASS, our CSS is just a pile of mess. Being able to use SCSS easily within WordPress has been awesome.

SCSS for WordPress

11. Simple Custom Post Order

Not sure if this one really belongs in this category, but we wanted to mention this as we’ve gone through a lot of “Post Ordering” Plugins. This one supports CPTs also and we’re very happy with how “Simple” and well it works.

12. Contact Form 7

An oldy, but a favorite. This contact form plugin allows you to make a custom input form for most needs that an informational website has. It lets you customize the look and feel without getting in the way. It is easy enough that some of our more tech savvy clients are able to change some settings here as well.

Contact Form 7

13. Flamingo

Flamingo is the companion plugin to Contact Form 7. It records everything that comes through so that even if the SMTP (Email) server is down, you won’t miss a thing. We often install this when we’re changing server settings so that if anything does go wrong with the e-mails, there are no issues for our clients.

14. Relevanssi

We found that this plugin works better than the other popular “Search Everything” plugin. We came across this one recently when we had to make the ACF Repeater fields searchable; Search Everything can’t do that, but Relevanssi can. It also comes with indexing for fast searches.


Fuente: y-designs